
Academic Lead: Prof. Mark Richardson

Clinical Lead: Dr Elisavet Soklov and Prof. James Teo

Clinical Area: Neurology

Partner: Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust

Refractory epilepsy, a type of epilepsy that does not respond to standard treatments, remains poorly understood. Efforts to identify predictors have been hindered by the fragmented nature of data, with studies often relying on small, non-interoperable datasets. This limits our ability to develop targeted interventions and improve patient outcomes.

We are harnessing the power of an AI tool, to extract and standardize vast amounts of electronic health record data. By converting this data into standardized formats, we can create a unified dataset across multiple NHS Trusts. This standardized data enables detailed predictive analytics and helps uncover key risk factors for refractory epilepsy.

With improved data integration and analysis, our AI models will offer deeper insights into the risk factors associated with refractory epilepsy. This will enhance patient management and outcomes across multiple NHS Trusts by enabling earlier, more accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment strategies.